a story about heroes
supporting heroes

“First There, That Others May Live.” - Air Force Special Tactics
Chapter 1: The Ask
First There Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, engages in the critical work of helping veterans, first responders, and their families heal and reintegrate into society using holistic approaches and advanced technology. TTEC was privileged to support their vital mission by providing comprehensive services including logo and branding, website design, copywriting, and tagline development.

Chapter 2 : The Exploration
Our exploration focused on fully understanding the Foundation's core mission and the communities it serves. We aimed to reflect the strength, courage, and dedication of these individuals in every aspect of the brand. This phase involved deep discussions with stakeholders and extensive research into the symbols and narratives that resonate with the target audience.

Chapter 3 : The Magic
The tagline “First There, That Others May Live” encapsulates the Foundation's selfless ethos and inspired the creation of a logo that embodies hope and honor. The logo features the American Bald Eagle, representing strength and vigilance; a rising sun indicating new beginnings; and a gold star symbolizing America's unwavering commitment to remembering its heroes.

Chapter 4 : The Results
The collaborative efforts resulted in a logo and branding that beautifully align with the Foundation’s values. The selected typography, colors, and imagery work in harmony to offer a unified brand experience that resonates deeply with the Foundation’s team and its supporters, effectively conveying their mission and impact.